Friday, February 15, 2008

Does it matter to YOU? Should YOU care?

My job is great inspiration for topics to discuss, you can overhear everyone's conversation. Which leads me to my first topic.....

Remember lets be mature about these discussions and answer truthfully, because some of us have done it before, or have been tempted to do it. The parties involved in the convo that I ear-hustled.....I mean "overheard" stated that it was not THEIR issue that the person that they recently slept with was in a relationship.

Did you care that he/she had a significant other? Did it matter to you? Should you have cared? If the person is ready and willing to cheat on their significant other is it your responsibility to act responsibly and not engage in such debauchery. Or do you feel as if the other person was handling business, this wouldn't be a situation at all?

Talk to me people.........WZUP?

1 comment:

FACE aka Sheep Herder said...

Well my opinion on this topic is simple. Someone elses relationship is not your responsibility. If you are only sleeping with them then wether or not that person is a cheater, lacks character or what ever is inconsequential. They are only there for a piece of ass. If you have feelings for that person and want to be with them, then there is much more to look at.

There are only two situations where I can say its your responsibility to have the strength to say I cant do this....

1. if the person you are going to sleep with is dating your friend or is an ex of your friend in which case you friend is not cool with you two hooking up.

2. if the person you want to sleep with is Married. This is the only time I dont care if I know the other party or not. I will not sleep with a married woman. And dont believe anyone should.